Our Mission

Montlure is rooted in the beauty of creation,
providing a safe and nurturing space for all,
connecting lives through transformation,
restoration, and faith exploration.

Montlure is home in Greer!

For the first time since the 2011 Wallow Fire, Montlure held camp in Greer during Summer 2024, and we are counting down the days to Summer 2025!


We still have a long way to go as we continue working with the USFS on long term strategies and mitigation plans, but our special use permit continues through 2025.

February 21, 2025 marked the end of the public comment phase of the NEPA review in order to gain a categorical exclusion for some restoration efforts, as well as a 20-year permit. We now await updates as we prepare to enter the next steps of the process. In addition, on January 24, Montlure submitted a request for a congressional inquiry to address the challenges we have faced with the USFS and to advocate for initiating a land swap. In order to move this inquiry forward, we need to demonstrate strong public support. Submit your comments through the links below, or see linktr.ee/montlurecamp_usfs for more details and information.

We will continue having spring Service Camps for the foreseeable future as we continue to work on and restore the site. Please consider signing up for a Service Camp, or donating to Friends of Montlure to financially support the site. (More info on our Greer page along with current updates.)

Make sure to follow us @montlurecamp on social media for the most up to date information.

Want to know more about how we arrived here? Read our story for a summary of nearly 100 years of Montlure history.

Welcome to Montlure Camp! 


Montlure Camp is a ministry for all to find and grow their faith in Jesus Christ. Montlure’s primary objective is to provide a safe and memorable Christian camping experience for children and youth in Arizona. Each summer we currently hold several weeks of both Overnight and Day Camp programs for various age groups. Each camp is led by a staff of Christian role models as they walk alongside campers on their faith journeys.

Our children are third generation Montlure campers. I’m thrilled to know they get to have an experience that love, passion, silliness and plain ‘ol camp fun. They start counting down to summer in January so they know the moment they can go back to Montlure again.

—  Jamie, parent of Juniors and Junior High campers

2025 Camp Dates

Overnight Camp

Traveling Day Camp

10-12th Grades | June 8 – 13
8-9th Grades | June 16 – 21
6-8th Grades | June 23 – 28
4-6th Grades | July 7 – 11

*Grades are for Fall 2025

Tempe | June 9 – 13
Casa Grande | June 16 – 20
Durango | June 23 – 27
Mesa | June 30 – July 4

*For Grades 1-6 in Fall 2025

Discover More


Youth Camps

Find all summer camp programming details for overnight and day camps.


Summer Staff

Job descriptions and applications for summer Volunteer or Employment positions.



Stay up-to-date on our current progress in Greer and sign up for Service Camps.

Montlure is home in Greer!


For the first time since the 2011 Wallow Fire, Montlure held camp in Greer during Summer 2024, and we  are counting down the days to Summer 2025!

We still have a long way to go as we continue working with the USFS on long term strategies and mitigation plans, but our special use permit continues through 2025.

February 21, 2025 marked the end of the public comment phase of the NEPA review in order to gain a categorical exclusion for some restoration efforts, as well as a 20-year permit. We now await updates as we prepare to enter the next steps of the process. In addition, on January 24, Montlure submitted a request for a congressional inquiry to address the challenges we have faced with the USFS and to advocate for initiating a land swap. In order to move this inquiry forward, we need to demonstrate strong public support. Submit your comments through the links below, or see linktr.ee/montlurecamp_usfs for more details and information. 

We will continue having spring Service Camps for the foreseeable future as we continue to work on and restore the site. Please consider signing up for a Service Camp, or donating to Friends of Montlure to financially support the site. (More info on our Greer page along with current updates.)

Make sure to follow us @montlurecamp on social media for the most up to date information.

Want to know more about how we arrived here? Read our story for a summary of nearly 100 years of Montlure history.

Welcome to Montlure Camp! 

Montlure Camp is a ministry for all to find and grow their faith in Jesus Christ. Montlure’s primary objective is to provide a safe and memorable Christian camping experience for children and youth in Arizona. Each summer we currently hold several weeks of both Overnight and Day Camp programs for various age groups. Each camp is led by a staff of Christian role models as they walk alongside campers on their faith journeys.

Our children are third generation Montlure campers. I’m thrilled to know they get to have an experience that love, passion, silliness and plain ‘ol camp fun. They start counting down to summer in January so they know the moment they can go back to Montlure again.

—  Jamie, parent of Juniors and Junior High campers

2025 Camp Dates

Overnight Camp

10-12th Grades | June 8 – 13
8-9th Grades | June 16 – 21
6-8th Grades | June 23 – 28
4-6th Grades | July 7 – 11

*Grades are for Fall 2025

Traveling Day Camp

Tempe | June 9 – 13
Casa Grande | June 16 – 20
Durango | June 23 – 27
Mesa | June 30 – July 4

*For Grades 1-6 in Fall 2025

Discover More


Youth Camps

Find all summer camp programming details for overnight and day camps.

Summer Staff

Job descriptions and applications for summer Volunteer or Employment positions.


Stay up-to-date on our current progress in Greer and sign up for work camps.

Montlure is home in Greer!

For the first time since the 2011 Wallow Fire, Montlure held camp in Greer during Summer 2024, and we are counting down days to Summer 2025!

We still have a long way to go as we continue working with the USFS on long term strategies and mitigation plans, but our special use permit continues through 2025.

February 21, 2025 marked the end of the public comment phase of the NEPA review in order to gain a categorical exclusion for some restoration efforts, as well as a 20-year permit. We now await updates as we prepare to enter the next steps of the process. In addition, on January 24, Montlure submitted a request for a congressional inquiry to address the challenges we have faced with the USFS and to advocate for initiating a land swap. In order to move this inquiry forward, we need to demonstrate strong public support. Submit your comments through the links below, or see linktr.ee/montlurecamp_usfs for more details and information.

Our Mission


Montlure is rooted in the beauty of creation, providing a safe and nurturing space for all, connecting lives through transformation, restoration, and faith exploration.

Montlure Camp is a ministry for all to find and grow their faith in Jesus Christ. Montlure’s primary objective is to provide a safe and memorable Christian camping experience for children and youth in Arizona. Each summer we currently hold several weeks of both Overnight and Day Camp programs for various age groups. Each camp is led by a staff of Christian role models as they walk alongside campers on their faith journeys.

2025 Camp Dates

Overnight Camp

10-12th Grades | June 8 – 13
8-9th Grades | June 16 – 21
6-8th Grades | June 23 – 28
4-6th Grades | July 7 – 11

*Grades are for Fall 2025

Traveling Day Camp

Tempe | June 9 – 13
Casa Grande | June 16 – 20
Durango | June 23 – 27
Mesa | June 30 – July 4

*For Grades 1-6 in Fall 2025

Discover More



Youth Camps

Find all summer camp programming details for overnight and day camps.

Summer Staff

Job descriptions and applications for summer Volunteer or Employment positions.



Stay up-to-date on our current progress in Greer and sign up for work camps.

2024 Impact Report

Get a glimpse of what or last year looked like.
Also see: 202320222021, 2020, or 2019









Office Address:
6659 E University Dr
Mesa, AZ 85205

Camp Location:
1 Co Rd 1121
Greer, AZ 85927
Link to Map

Phone:  520 369 2199
E-mail:  camp@montlure.org

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Summer Employment
Job Openings

Summer Volunteers
Position Openings

CIT Program


Countdown to SUMMER 2025









Office Address:
6659 E University Dr
Mesa, AZ 85205

Camp Location:
1 Co Rd 1121
Greer, AZ 85927
Link to Map
Phone: 520 369 2199
E-mail:  camp@montlure.org

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